Registry of medical technological documents

Registry of medical technological documents on the standardization of medical care is functioning in accordance with the Regulation on the Register approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of September 28, 2012 No. 751 “On the creation and implementation of medical technological Documents on Standardization of Medical care in the system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of November 29, 2012, No. 2004/22316.

For physicians, healthcare managers, scientists!

For developers of standards and unified medical care protocols, developers of local protocols for a medical institution, for all other concerned persons!

Currently, an important event is taking place in the Ukrainian healthcare system, namely, the creation of a qualitatively new system of medical care standardization based on the unified methodology of the development of clinical guidelines, medical standards, unified clinical protocols and local protocols of medical care based on evidence-based medicine.

The new standardization system has the following characteristics:

  • Three new types of documents represent a new system: clinical guidelines, medical standards and clinical protocols.
  • Clinical protocols of medical care as well as medical standards are developed on the principals of evidence-based medicine (the basis of these documents are clinical recommendations / guidelines (tertiary sources of evidence-based medicine).
  • Medical technological documents are developed not on medical specialty, but on the topic (arterial hypertension, ischemic stroke and others).
  • Medical technological documents are developed by multidisciplinary groups (representatives of all concerned specialties) – an important methodological approach used throughout the world.
  • The developed documents have the terms of update and the stage of public discussion (on the website of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine during one month).

ESSENTIAL – The unified clinical protocols of medical care as well as medical standards have quality indicators used to assess the quality of health care provided for a certain period, at a specific health facility, in a region, in the system of Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

 This information resource contains approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine medical standards, unified clinical protocols of medical care, draft documents for discussion and tertiary sources of evidence-based medicine – clinical guidelines, both original and adapted, which formed the basis for the development of standards and protocols.

Developers of health and technology documents will find here the regulations related to the system of standardization of medical care, a manual for developers, the questionnaire AGREE for the assessment of  clinical guidelines quality and reasonable selection of prototypes, as well as other useful methodological documents.

In order to provide adequate information during the development of medical technological documents, the State Expert Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine provides the work groups, approved by orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, access to the international databases and organizations working in the field of dissemination of principles and methods of evidence-based medicine, development of clinical guidelines and medical care standards, first of all G-I-N (International Network of Guides).

Coordination on the adaptation of Clinical guidelines, development of Medical Standards of Unified clinical protocols for medical care provides the Department of Standardization of Medical Care of State Expert Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Actual documents of recent years has been developed on evidence-based medicine and are presented in the Clinical Guidelines.